Our services

Services for women

Adapted support
(formal or informal)

  • Support over the phone, in person and virtually
  • Weekly individual follow-ups
  •  Customized referencing

Group intervention

  • Support group
  • Monthly meetings 
  •  Activities

Specialized support for immigrant

  • Possibility of offering some services in English and Spanish
  • Access to interpreters and translators.
  •  Support in the immigration process.

Assistance in the various procedures.

  • Accompagnement juridique avec notre responsable sociojuridique
  • Accompagnement dans les démarches scolaires, médicales, criminelles

Specialized services for mothers.

  • Groupe de partage entre mères
  • Meeting with our mother-child caregiver.
  • Free babysitting for children when needed
  • Mother-children activities

Post-housing service

  • Individual follow-up
  • Assistance in the various procedures.
  • Post-housing telephone support and counselling.
  • Customized referencing

Our services to women also include homicide risk assessment and support in establishing a safety net.

Youth Services

Stimulation activities
(0-5 years old)

  • Child development (fine and global motor skills, social skills)
  • Raising awareness on the importance of reading, writing, language and free play.

Learning and socialization activities

  • Learning activities and to break isolation
  • Crafting, drawing, recognizing emotions, etc.

Individual follow-up
(6 years and older)

  • Follow-up with a specialized caregiver
  •  Better understanding, expression and management of emotions
jenga, game, play-4027764.jpg

School supervision

  •  Homework tutoring
  • Academic catch-up

Sandbox activity

  •  Helping with the expression of emotions through play
  • Specialized caregiver to support children's play

"I didn't like the sand play at first, but now I like it and I want to do it again"
-A former sheltered children

Second stage housing

How to be accomodated in a 2nd stage shelter?

The admission process at Nouvelle-Étape is done by referral from a 1st stage housing facility after a minimum of 1 month of residence. An application form must be completed and sent to us by email.

Then, there is a selection interview. This allows for a comprehensive assessment of the woman's situation in order to evaluate if our housing resource can meet her needs and if our living and intervention environment will allow her to progress properly.

After the interview, the selection committee makes its assessment and decides if the woman can be accepted based on various criteria such as the need for security.

Nos hébergements

Le Hâvre du Trèfle

  • 7 unités de type 4 1/2
  • Babysitting room
  • Laundry room
  • Toy room
  • Exterior courtyard

La Maison Gaëlle Fedida

  • 2 unités adaptées de type 3 1/2 et 4 1/2
  • 3 unités de type 6 1/2 (pour grandes familles, 4 chambres fermées)
  • 2 studios (pour femmes seules)
  • 2 unités de type 4 1/2
  • Babysitting room
  • 3 buanderies 
  • Exterior courtyard

*Toutes nos unités d'hébergement sont meublées (meubles et éléctroménagers)*

Services adaptés (principe HÉCAÉ)

Notre organisme propose des services adaptés et un hébergement conçus en accord avec le principe HÉCAÉ, élaboré par l’Alliance des maisons d’hébergement de 2e étape. Ce principe vise à offrir un HÉbergement à Confort Accessible et Évolutif, capable de répondre aux multiples besoins des femmes et des enfants confrontés à une ou plusieurs situations de handicap. Nos services d’intervention sont également ajustés pour répondre aux besoins de toutes, dans une perspective inclusive et intersectionnelle

External services

Nos services externes sont disponibles pour les femmes victimes de violence conjugale postséparation qui ne sont pas résidentes en maison d'hébergement.
  • Individuals meetings and follow-ups with our external services caregiver
  • Assistance with procedures (school, medical, criminal and immigration, etc.)
  • Adapted support ( in person, virtually, by phone)
  • Customized referencing
  • Support group
  • Évaluation du risque homicidaire et soutien dans l’établissement d’un filet de sécurité en continu.